Woman screaming next to text of when inclusion is radical the art of belonging

 A Guide To Contacting Congress


Reaching out to your U.S. Senators and Representatives is a powerful way to express your opinions, concerns, and support for policies that affect you and your community. Communicating with these individuals can be done through various methods, such as:

  • Calling their offices (most effective for urgent issues)

  • Sending emails or letters to their offices

  • Engaging on social media

  • Scheduling in-person or virtual meetings

  • Singing petitions

To make the greatest impact, share a personal story about how a policy affects you or your community. Lawmakers receive countless messages, so adding a personal element helps yours stand out and make a lasting impression.

To find your representatives in Congress, enter your home address HERE . This website will provide their names, email addresses, phone numbers, social media handles, and mailing addresses—giving you multiple ways to make your voice heard.

Not sure what to say? Below is a template to help you get started. Be sure to update the sections highlighted in yellow to reflect your own experiences and add in your perspectives / personal stories!

Hello, [Representative / Senator Name].

My name is [XYX] and I’m [calling /writing] to express my deep concern regarding the recent federal directive that restricts government funding for nonprofit arts organizations that operate programs promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.

As a [state your connection to the arts here: artist, audience member, student…], I find this new policy both alarming and detrimental to the artistic and cultural fabric of our nation. The federal government is penalizing arts organizations that refuse to exclude members of our community by withdrawing crucial funds made possible by government grants. For the first time in our history, our government is attempting to silence diverse voices and life experiences.

I ask you, as my elected official representing me and millions of other arts and culture [employees, patrons, students…], to take action by:

  • Publicly denouncing this directive and supporting legislation that ensures equitable funding for arts organizations.

  • Work to safeguard the rights and financial repercussions of nonprofit organizations that prioritize inclusion in their programming.

  • Engage with arts organizations in our district to understand the impact this policy has on our community.

Art has always been a powerful force for truth, transformation, and connection. We need art now more than ever. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with you further and look forward to your response.

Thank you for your time and commitment to supporting Minnesota’s vast arts community.

[Your Name]
[Your City, State]
[Your Contact Information]

Please contact Rachel Koep, Managing Director, at rkoep@balletcolaboratory.org.